One day a man was sleeping and t…

One day a man was sleeping and the neighbor’s little girl entered his house, woke him up and said, “What is that between your legs?

” He replied that is “my bird.” He went back to sleep. She came back later and said, “What’s that furry stuff around your bird?

” He replied that’s “my nest.” So he went back to sleep. She came back later. “What’s those two things under it?

” He said those are “the eggs.” She said, “Okay, can I play with your bird,and he said “ok.” When he woke up later, he noticed that he was in the hospital. He saw the little girl and asked, “what happened?

” She said, “When I was playing with your bird he spit in my eye so I chopped off his head, burnt down his nest and busted his eggs!”

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